Melia thinks

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Baby Ho

This is baby Ho's first introduction to all of you reading this blog!In case you are wondering what is that blob? It's a side profile of the baby's head and the baby is lying flat and looking upwards. Can you tell?
Went for our 2nd ultrasound scan a few days back, this scan was meant to ensure that baby's organs are developing well and also to determine the gender of the baby. It was amazing to see peanut develop from a peanut-shaped fetus to this! Many times during the scan peanut looked at us directly as if curious about what is going on outside his cosy home! There were a few times when the sonographer was trying to get an accurate picture of some of peanut's organs but peanut kept refusing to cooperate and kept shielding his face with his arms!
Throughout the scan i was just so enthralled at how the organs were all formed and so visible...could see the spine and the heart and everything, compared to the first time we saw peanut! The development of a fetus is can one claim that God did not create life? We thank God that peanut is developing well...phew!
Can you tell if peanut is a girl or boy? Well...peanut is a BOY! Undeniably a boy!! So i guess we have to stop referring to baby Ho as peanut from now onwards and think of a name!


At 7:51 PM, Blogger The Klutz said...

Glad that Baby Ho is growing well. Can see his head from the scan.. so amazing!

At 9:50 PM, Blogger Winter Chew said...

I still can't tell which is the head, when u are back, show us the scan okie? Take care!


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