Melia thinks

Saturday, August 14, 2004

A surprise guest, Uncle Jeffery from church! Its interesting that we never had a chance to have dinner with him back home in Singapore. and it was so strange that he had to come all the way over here to have that dinner and conversation with us! Got to know him better and it was nice to have that opportunity to have a 3 hr conversation!

An all-wives-stuck-in-Sydney gathering, we finally found the time to meet up and catch up with one another, eversince we started work and school. It was a good time yakking and enjoying each other's company. We were at a cafe in Glebe, really good atmosphere with fantastically retro like furniture. Thanks God for good friends like these, a little reminder of how much you understand me!

The yummiest mocha in Sydney...proudly brought to you by Vagarbar in Newtown. Just thinking of it...hmm yummy! Its the only cafe that has got the right balance of coffee and chocolate! Just absolutely love this quaint little cafe. Walked around at Newtown for a bit after was a nice Saturday morning...enjoying Newtown with my dear husband...

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Another new mother

Just learnt that one of my fellow new-wives-support group members is expecting!! Am so so very happy for her and am just praying that both mother and baby will pull through this journey! Am also so excited for another of my fellow new-wives support group member who is due in about 2 weeks time...precious new additions to new families...
Hearing this news has made me wonder about having kids...and what it takes and how miraculous it is when a child is eventually born....the awesomeness of our maker...
Congratulations my dear mums to be!

Monday, August 02, 2004

Study study study

My course materials and requirements for one of my modules has arrived!! And am feeling very intimidated by it...starting to realise that its a lot of work and its not going to be easy to discipline myself to set aside time to read and start on my assignments...wonder what made me think that it would be a breeze!
Now am really wondering if i can cope with full time work and starting this postgrad dip? Oh well, am excited to start trying...challenging.
One more to add to my list of "things to adjust to"