Melia thinks

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Crutches and stress

Eugene had a little fall during a basketball game but he had a huge sprain from yup he was hobbling around in crutches last week. It was quite a feat...and we realised how thankful we should be for our complete set of limbs, it is not easy surviving with just one! And stress!! Yup...d-day for my assignments is coming really soon and i am starting to feel anxious again. So hard to get my head round the assignments but am looking forward to handing them up as these 2 are my last ones. Then my sister comes up to visit! yeah! Pushing on...

Baby Jared

Eugene is an uncle and i am an aunty...And this is baby Jared...can't wait to see you in person!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I noticed the vibrant red leaves on the trees struck me as we were driving out of the house...the colour just astounds me and i just had to stop and admire we took a picture. It's Autumn...and soon these very same leaves will scatter and the trees will rest for 3 months...the cycle of life...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

We had a lovely Saturday...on the way to the library (to catch up with research and assignments!) we decided to give ourselves a treat with a nice breakfast. I found a cafe in Summer Hill that had been very well reviewed in the Sydney Morning Herald...Cafe Envy. It was everything i expected it to be. Its such a joy to discover little treasures in the most obscure places and to be able to share it with someone whose company i treasure and love...oh! that came out so mushy!
Although the mochas we ordered were so perfect...eugene enjoyment was momentarily as he suffered a nagging headache the whole day...due to the caffeine! Think he is not ready for it yet...back to the hot chocolates next time!

The day ended with a yummy bowl of mee rebus...again courtesy of Prima taste! This is the one thing Eugene absolutely misses...and he REALLY enjoyed it! It was such a treat that we have kind of decided to have "prima night" every saturday night...a whole lot of other pre-mixes to try. I think the next on the list is laksa!