Melia thinks

Monday, January 29, 2007

Last fling at Paddington Markets

We decided to head down to the Paddington Markets for possibly one last time before we leave Sydney. Boo was a lovely day spent. We managed to get some art work from the markets to remind us of the place...priceless!
It is finally sinking in...we are leaving in a month's time...and these are memories that we will always carry with us and refer to. The movers are coming this Friday, so we are somewhat frantically packing and digging out stuff for the movers to pack. Packing up my stuff have brought back memories of the time when i was packing to come over here...3 years flew by and now we are packing to go back. Life is such...full of changes and transition, but somehow we tend to be creatures of comfort and i guess change is always hard to deal with.
But i am excited to move back home, more in anticipation of little baby Ho that will come into our lives soon...Little dear, i can't wait to see you!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

He kicked me!

Last night while we were both relaxing on the couch, watching tennis. I felt a sharp jolt from my tummy! is from baby Ho and Eugene felt it too! And eversince then, i have been feeling weird kicks and punches from within, especially when i'm still or sitting down! It is really a strange sensation...but very endearing...i just hope he doesn't become too enthusiastic with his kicks!

Vacation Bible School 2007

We had a fantastic 3 days of Vacation Bible School (VBS) in church over the last 3 days. The whole experience was so enriching and it was truly time well spent for Him. We spent all 3 days conducting bible stories, engaging them with craft activities, singing and games, and basically getting to know the children and introducing them to the Word and the gospel. It was physically tiring but spiritually invigorating!

These were some of the children that attended, and it was interesting to mingle and get to know them. There was this especially adorable little boy, he was our youngest, being only 4 years old and said the most precocious things! During one of the messages on Daniel and lion's den, the speaker asked the children who did Daniel believed in when he was in the lion's den, this boy shot his hands up and said...fairytales! And he was really confident that he had the right answer!

Now that its over, we are going to miss the experience of serving in this manner, and kind of sad to say bye bye...we were really touched when the teachers presented Eugene and i a huge chocolate cake as a gesture of saying, "that we were much appreciated and all their blessings on our journey back home". We have throughly enjoyed serving in the Sunday School ministry and have learned alot from this experience and from others who were serving alongside us. We have been truly blessed.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Pregnancy progress...

Went to the gynae yesterday and thank God that baby Ho is growing well. He seems to have grown quite a bit since the last time and starting to feel that too! Have been feeling a lot of movements in my tummy...not so much obvious punches or kicks but more like flutters, its like the baby is farting! He seems alot more active in the late afternoons and during the night! Feeling him move is such an amazing feeling...i know i'm not alone!
Starting to put on more weight now, thankfully (never thought i would be happy to put on weight!)...and starting to feel hungry very often now. But over here its not that easy to find snacks to munch on...not like back home where there is a Ya Kun kaya toast at every corner! far...haven't had any extreme cravings due to the practicality of our situation! Sigh...
It has been strange having so much time to myself these few weeks...trying to get used to it as i have been so busy the past few years over here. But have been trying to unpack and pack stuff and reading up on baby stuff as well. About another month more...time is flying...have been meeting up with groups of friends and having meals with them while we can...bittersweet, having to say goodbye again!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Baby Ho

This is baby Ho's first introduction to all of you reading this blog!In case you are wondering what is that blob? It's a side profile of the baby's head and the baby is lying flat and looking upwards. Can you tell?
Went for our 2nd ultrasound scan a few days back, this scan was meant to ensure that baby's organs are developing well and also to determine the gender of the baby. It was amazing to see peanut develop from a peanut-shaped fetus to this! Many times during the scan peanut looked at us directly as if curious about what is going on outside his cosy home! There were a few times when the sonographer was trying to get an accurate picture of some of peanut's organs but peanut kept refusing to cooperate and kept shielding his face with his arms!
Throughout the scan i was just so enthralled at how the organs were all formed and so visible...could see the spine and the heart and everything, compared to the first time we saw peanut! The development of a fetus is can one claim that God did not create life? We thank God that peanut is developing well...phew!
Can you tell if peanut is a girl or boy? Well...peanut is a BOY! Undeniably a boy!! So i guess we have to stop referring to baby Ho as peanut from now onwards and think of a name!


Yup...catching up yet again...

Our last trip to Melbourne
We flew down to Melbourne over the Christmas break...just cause we love the place and just wanted to spend some time there absorbing everything once again. It was a nice relaxing trip...with some shopping sprees thrown in and we also discovered a little place called the Mornington Pennisula...and it was there that we found the colourful beach boxes that we see in magazines.

Turning 3...
We have turned 3...celebrated our third wedding anniversary with a nice dinner at Ripples Cafe (Milson's Point). It has a spectacular view of the harbour bridge and the opera house, food wasn't entirely satisfactory though...too fusion for our liking! Again the year had flew past and we thank God for preserving our marriage and seeing us through so much in the past 3 years...and promising to see us through many more years to come...

And oh yah...would like to wish everybody a fulfilling and enriching new year ahead. I look ahead to this new year with much anticipation and excitement!!