Melia thinks

Sunday, February 27, 2005

The view from our you can see there is a road running through...the cars zooming by can be quite annoying at times but we have slowly gotten used to it!

Our balcony...never had such a big balcony before. Although it is so is hard to have dinner outside during summer cos there are so many bugs around!

This is our bedroom...first time sleeping under the moonlight

Inside our new place..what you see is the kitchen

Some pictures of our new place and our new old second is really a beautiful place and we really thank God for giving us an opportunity to live here!

This was the state of our old place...a mad mess of boxes, but it was amazing how our lives fit so perfectly in those boxes!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

A 21st

Went for a 21st birthday party over the weekend, it was the first birthday party i've been since being here! Was one of my colleagues birthday and she invited all of us. It was interesting to see her with her family and relatives celebrating her rite of passage into adulthood. Reminded me of my 21st birthday party at home...sigh i do miss my family lots!