Melia thinks

Monday, May 24, 2004

Park culture

Went to Centennial park over the weekend, and i must say that it was the most enjoyable park experience i've had ever...the weather was nice and cool, birds chirping in the background, the swans and funny looking ducks waddling in the pond nearby, people walking their dogs, horses trotting round the park....lovely. Just sitting there and taking it all in made me look up in awe at their wonderful Creator...He is just so artistic...i actually felt very much at peace at that very moment, felt so proud of Him. Amazing...
Never enjoyed parks back home, the heat and mosquitoes never fail to distract me from appreciating what was around thankful for the experience that day...
Saw so many dogs of all shapes and sizes that day too....made me desire one so much more! Just something about them that says...TAKE ME HOME!CUDDLE ME!PAT ME!TICKLE ME! Its amazing that God created a creature like the dog...wonder what was on His mind when He created it...must be thinking cuddly and warm feelings! I must remember to ask Him when i see Him face to face...
Ok...enough rambling...glad that i posted this amazing would always remind me that there is more out there than life itself...

Sunday, May 16, 2004

urgh! memory is truely failing me! Went to my blogspot and couldn't seem to find a button to click to post a new blog...when i finally found it, i forgot both my username and password! That was frustrating!! Eugene asked me...have i updated my blog? Was not very keen on posting a blog, but somehow felt compelled to keep it updated for awhile..
Have been feeling homesick for singapore on and off...there are down moments and there are up ones, but i tend to remember the down ones more vividly...sigh. Its not easy being here in Sydney, my mum told me to enjoy the place cos she thinks that Sydney is a very beautiful place to be in. I will, and actually i have, but i still find it hard to call it home! Home to me is still high rise flats, crowded shopping centres, fume infested eating places, oily and unhealthy food, humid weather...yup that is still very much home.
Went to eugene's colleague's new home yesterday, it was HUGE...a really nice house with 4 cute dogs and 2 adorable children and all...started day dreaming about us having the opportunity to own such a life! But somehow couldn't fit this dream in the context of i guess its either or....the possibility of a nice HUGE house AND dogs or a 4/5 room flat in singapore? What a choice!
Enuff blabbering for now...its so amazing how easy it is to end a blog...and how hard and awkward it is to end a conversation!

Monday, May 10, 2004

My first time!

Eugene has been bugging me to set up a blogging account for ages so here i am...finally! This feels like the first time i set up my email account...strange but a proud moment for me!
Thought i would start this up since i'm over here in Sydney and have lots of stuff and thots to share with anybody who would be interested to hear, oops or read.
Have seen many interesting and beautiful "blog sites" (is that what you call that?) and feel so very inspired to create one too! But i am a computer virgin so it might be quite some time before i acquire those specific brain cells to even create something on the web!
So strange to be sharing these thots to nobody in particular!
ok..eager to see how my blog site looks like so this first blog is dedicated to my dearest husband! (SEE I FINALLY DID IT!)