Melia thinks

Monday, January 30, 2006

Bye bye Benji

Today is Benji's official last day at Kid's Academy, he starts kindy tommorrow. Boo hoo...he came to my room to talk to me today. Here's the conversation we had.
Benji: Meme why are you in there?
Me: Cos i now take care of the babies so i have to be in this room.
Benji: Who said?
Me: Laura (my director) said that i had to.
Benji: Meme i want to come into the babies room.
Me: Why?
Benji: Cos i want to play with you.
Me: But Benji, you are not a baby so you can't come in here.
Benji: Oh! Its not fair, how come the babies can play with you?
Me: (heartbroken!)
He is such a sweetheart, his parents bought a cake in today, and on it, it said "bye bye Kid's Academy!" Bye bye Benji, may God continue to watch over you and that you grow up to be a beautiful boy ....

Sunday, January 29, 2006

New kids

Moved into a new room at work today, am now working with 1-2 yar olds...little kids who look at you rather blankly when you talk to them. BUT they are really adorable, cos they are so little! It was strange in the new room, not being able to see my kids. Helena and Benji came over to the room to say hello, and they wondered what i was doing in another room. Quite sad to see them so lost cos i guess i felt lost too!
Am so sleepy now...had to open up the centre went to work at 6.30. Was so sleepy coming home, that i put the key into the wrong apartment unit! Fortunately no one was home! 4 more days till i come home yeah!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Mee Siam

We were invited for dinner by an elderly couple from church. And they served us the yummiest mee siam and sambal octopus! was so lovingly and painstakingly prepared...and it was very much appreciated! We talked about home (they were originally from Singapore but they moved to Brisbane 25 years ago), although they have been away from home for so long, they still talk about Singapore with great fondness...and it was sweet discussing the pecularities of our fellow citizens! It is very rare that we have dinner out during mid-week, so it was a very pleasant and enjoyable evening and we left with full tummies. 2 more weeks till we fly home....YEAH...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

2nd year as a married couple...

Yup, we survived the 2nd year of marriage! That sounds as if it has been a chore but it has been the contrary...marriage has been so soothing and assuring? Don't really know how to describe how i feel about being married but these 2 adjectives come to mind. I continue to thank God for bringing Eugene into my life...and i pray that He will continue to lead us in the coming years...
We spent the day hibernating at home as the temperatures reached an all time high of 45 degrees! But we did have a lovely dinner at Darling Harbour...yum...

Last picture for 2005

A few seconds before 2006 came. We met up with some friends to oggle at the fire works at the harbour bridge. It was very impressive! 2005 came and went like a whirlwind...quick and impactful..lots to thank God for and a year that is a testimony of God's grace and faithfulness in our lives. Thank You dear Lord, i pray that 2006 would be the year that we live for you and not for ourselves...