Melia thinks

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

relax relax feeling relatively relaxed...after the past few weeks of stress over my assignments! But i know the deadlines are catching up with me again...sigh!! Looking forward to the weekend...long weekend cos Monday is Labour Day! And also quite excited cos Switchfoot is coming to Sydney and we've got tickets to go watch them this Friday! Can't wait! Something different to look forward to!
ALSO...i think one of my good friends is getting married next year! Although she hasn't officially said anything yet...she hinted at it in her blog! Sneaky thing! Oh well...very happy for her and can't wait to see her in a beautiful white dress! Hopefully i'll be able to go back for her wedding. Its quite sad that i am missing out on all my friends' weddings...its such a significant part of their lives and i'm missing out on that...i will never be in their wedding photos! sigh...but i guess that's life,it doesn't always go the way you think it would. But i'm in a happy place about where i am in life right now...which is good...God is good...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

amazing kids...

Went to work today with a throbbing throat and whopping was sucking on a lozenge. This is a coversation Benji and i had when i got in...
Benji: What's that smell?
me: I'm sucking on a cough lolly.
Benji: Let me see.
Me: (stuck out my tongue to show him)
Benji: How come its not blue? It's white!
We have had this conversation before, cos i've started work with a lozenge in my mouth before and he always sniffs me out! The past few times that has happened it has been a blue lozenge (vicks). And this time it wasn' was white! Amazing i totally didn't expect him to remember the colour of my lollies! Made me realise little credit we give kids...they have such a wealth of knowledge and information in that head of theirs...its just a matter of expressing it...expression holds them back from showing the world who they really are and what they are really capable of! Amazing...

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Down the aisle...

Went for Luvena & Jimmy's wedding today (ex-colleague and good friend)...watching her walk down the aisle made me think about the time i had to walk down the aisle with my dad...memories! I think the most poignant moment during the wedding was when Luvena asked her dad to have the last dance with her...seeing the two of them dance was so emotional! Poor daddies...they have to face up to the time when they have to let their little girls grow up and move away...anyway...Congratulations Luvena!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Fire fire fire....

We had a FIRE in our centre today! (our closet dreams of the centre burning down and all of us having a month break from work!) It happened in the afternoon while the kids were having their favourtie afternoon tea of jelly and yogurt...the whistle was blown and we all thought that it was just a fire hurry we would just take our time to get the kids out of the room. But i smelt something funny so i thought that it might just be the real we hurried the kids out of the room, only to be met with the difficulty of dragging the kids from their jelly and out of the door!! Once outside...all the rooms managed to get the kids onto the pavement outside the centre and 3 fire engines came rushing to the's what happened to Benji...
( I noticed that Benji was looking a bit wide-eyed and quiet, so i asked him...)
Me: Benji, what's wrong?
Benji: kept quiet and shook his head...
Me: Are you feeling scared?
Benji: Yes...
Me: (abit surprised cos i thought he loved fire engines and firemen!) Why are you afraid?
Benji: The noise too loud...
Me: Come sit with me...
The vulnerabilities of being young and must be quite intimidating to be so young and having to deal with the world and its scariness!
We all survived the turned out to be a wire short circuit that led to a fire on top of the freezer in the kitchen...we are all fine. Darn! No month off! =)

Last meal @ Chinese Whisper

Bye bye Huey...yup...another fellow Singaporean returning to Singapore. Really going to miss the two of them but happy and excited for them as they go back to prepare for the which we hope to attend!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Are you stupid?

A funny work...i happened to chance upon a conversation between 2 little girls in my room, Ivy and Elly. Ivy is a vietnamese girl...who cries alot, she just can't help it..she's so little that she's terrified of everything. And Elly, who is a vibrant little girl who is slightly older than Ivy...very verbal, speaks good english..very chatty too! Ivy happened to be crying alot that day...and Elly decided to go up and talk to her, she said a few things to Ivy but Ivy just looked at her and didn't respond to her for some time. Finally Elly turned to Ivy and asked..."Are you stupid?" And the cutest thing is that she was SO sincere about asking. I had to explain to her that "stupid" is not a nice word to use...but inside i was sniggering..