Melia thinks

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Last one?

I was supposed to taste FREEDOM after today! My last assignment is due to tomorrow...but is not to be! I have finished my last assignment with much sweat and stress...but as i have some referencing problems with my previous 2 assignments its coming back to me and i would have to make the necessary changes...sigh! STILL not free! Was pretty devasted when i found out about my other 2 assignments but am moving on and trying to take it in my stride! SIGH....Planning to finish everything by the end of this week. So for this dear Eugene is doing all the cooking! yeah!(hopefully yeah!)Going to give myself a break tonight...
AND oh ya...CONGRATULATIONS to Paul and Rebekah on the birth of Barnabas Bui! Can't wait to see some pictures!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

An "evil-looking" insect...we found it tottering on the brink of death outside our balcony the other day. We were trying to figure out what kind of insect it looked like it had teeth and claws! Scary...a phantom insect! Even looking at it now gives me the chills!


I am in a state of inertia!! I have one more major assignment to go...with a few other corrections to be made for previous assignments...and i am stuck! I know what i have to do, but just at a stuck state...if you know what i mean, like i find a million other things to do (including blogging) other than actually sitting down to complete the assignment! Urgh! I think its the "end of the year" syndrome...where you just want to laze and enjoy the rest of the year before it bids us farewell! SIGH....Can't wait for next year...when i'll finally (hopefully) finish this course! ANd no more studying for some time!!
Oh ya...Congrats to Paul and Rebekah on their new addition...Barnabas!! Am so happy and excited for them...but sad that i won't be able to see this precious new babe till next year..i pray that they are doing well!
Ok...back to focusing on my assignment!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Am still alive!

Yup...thought i should post something for the month of November! Its just that i have been just preoccupied with assignments and trying to drag myself to do it! Its almost the end of the year and this whole feeling of taking it easy and winding down is so overwhelming sometimes that its so hard to push myself! But oh well...have to do what i have to more assignment to go and a few ammendments to make on 2 other assignments and hopefully by December i will finally be able to laze and not feel guilty!
Christmas is just round the corner and it will be our first Christmas away from Singapore/home...away from familiarity...but i guess its an opportunity to grow up and cherish the moment! Apparantly, on New Year's eve there is going to be hUGE fire works over the Harbour that should be good!
The year has passed so fast...its funny how people start getting nostalgic and reflective at this time of the year. I am rambling on...